Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Layers of The Aura

Energy body (or aura) has 7 main layers, each of them relating to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual condition of man. These layers transmit information between the body (through the chakra system) and the immediate external environment. The layers have an ovoid shape and are arranged one inside the other. Each layer or level is an energy field varying vibration. In the outer layers are larger and with higher vibration. As with the chakra system, there are many more layers (over 50), but they are not important to us while we are in the physical life. Each layer corresponds to the aura chakra.

Three lesser astral layers are connected with the manifestation of physical and serve to form your personality. It is also believed that they begin to develop at conception and disappear at death.

Etheric body – first layer of auraEtheric body

First layer

Name etheric body

Expression of consciousness – I exist, according to my beliefs.

Needs this level physical copy of the body- Connects to the health, survival, security, comfort and pleasure.

Chakra-Root Chakra (Muladhara)

Color reacts- Red

Sound reacts -“C”

Negative beliefs- disease and physical pain.

Effect of negative beliefs-Physical illness, splicing, interruptions or disturbances in the ether layer.

The etheric body is the first layer of the aura after the physical body and can be seen as a bridge between the physical body and subtle bodies. Connected with First Chakra (Root).

Since it is closest to the physical body, it is the densest, but at a higher vibrational level of the physical body.

Etheric body gives vitality and organization of the physical body. It misses energies of the higher bodies down to our physical consciousness.

This is the layer that corresponds to the physical life, feelings, physical pleasure and pain, and physical health and wellbeing.

Form and structure of the etheric body

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