Monday, October 12, 2015


Aura represents the energy field that surrounds every material object. Anything that has atomic structure, possess and aura. Each atom represents electrons and protons, which are in constant motion. These electrons and protons are electrical and magnetic energy vibrations. Atoms of living creatures are more active than the atoms of inanimate matter. For this reason, the energy fields of plants, animals and people are perceived more easily.

The Human AuraWhat is Aura

Human Aura represents the energy field that surrounds the human body. Throughout history artists often depict halos around ancient mystics and masters. Spiritual broadcasts around the head are easily detectable by the individual. As you healthier, stronger light will radiate from your body. Halo is a symbol of spiritual enlightenment. In a healthy person’s aura has an elliptical or ovoid shape which surrounds the body and stretches of 2-3 meters outside the body. Shape, size, color and clarity of these colors indicate the specific things related to the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.

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