Friday, January 15, 2016

TOP 10 Spiritual Places with The Strongest Energy Field

There are places in the world, where you can feel the connection with the divine – one of them Rila’s Lakes, known for strong energy field. Where sensitive people dream strange things, after spending the night there. Such type of places could give you answers to a long asked questions and make you feel the energy concentrated on a more spiritual level. Here are the ten most energy destinations:

1. Rila- Bulgaria – some might seem surprised, but this mountain range is one of the energy centers of the world.
 Not accidentally, one of the greatest spiritual masters of the XX century – Beinsa Duno is Bulgarian and has chosen to transmit wisdom in Rila. The area around Rila’s Lakes actually has very strong energy and more sensitive people feel it and receive strange dreams when they stay in the area.

2. Machu Picchu in Peru – the lost city of the Incas is one of the places linked to the energy centers of the world. The Incas built Machu Picchu in a particular place, high in the Andes. The place itself channels the energy and allows people.... Continue reading

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