Monday, January 11, 2016

5 Easy Steps to Start Seeing The Aura

Step 1

Start with inanimate objects and basic colors, such as red book, as red and blue auras are most vivid. Relax well, your eyes should also be relaxed. Focus on one point and concentrate. After a few seconds you should start to see a slight aura. At this point you might be tempted to look away, but do not do it. Do not change your focus and continue to watch at one point. You can blink with eyes to moisturize your eyes. During blinking aura will disappear for a short time but will quickly see it again.

Leaves Aura

Leaves Aura

Step 2

After completing the first step to start looking for different basic colors. For example, you can cover several books with different colored leaves and start to concentrate. Practice as much as necessary. Once you improve focus and concentration you can start with...

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