Monday, January 11, 2016

Which Number Brings you Love, Luck and Money! According to your zodiac sign

In Astrology, the numbers are not just something abstract. They have a certain energy, that affects in a particular manner the people. This information is directly related to the influence of the planets. In other words, each zodiac sign has a number that brings him happiness. And some have one that leads only to problems and complications.
The numbers are all around us – addresses, phone numbers, license plates, dates of important events for us … If we are able to fully control them, all this will work to our benefit!

Sun- 1

un affects people born under the sign of Leo. Number one is a symbol of the positive start of activity and success in business. Number 1 for the Lions is simply “a magnet for success.” A number from which the Lions must be careful is 2. It will always pull them back and prevent their development.

Moon- 2

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